Can the .ovpn files or configuration be edited on the iPhone itself using the latest app or 3rd party app? Latest update throws this error: "Your connection configuration contains unsupported options. We recommend removing them, as the next release will entirely disallow them. Contact your Server Admin for more info." It's flagging -ping-timer-rem, -resolv-retry, -tun-mtu-extra, -persist-key, -persist-tun --- but none of those commands are present in the existing configuration file to begin with?
Is there a way to edit the .ovpn file on the iPhone, or do I have to start over from my VPN provider and get a new .ovpn file and manually edit it before importing it into the app?
Is there a way to edit the .ovpn file on the iPhone, or do I have to start over from my VPN provider and get a new .ovpn file and manually edit it before importing it into the app?