Check the client-side OpenVPN logs on Windows 11 for up script

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  • kaushalshriyan
    Junior Member
    • May 2024
    • 2

    Check the client-side OpenVPN logs on Windows 11 for up script


    I have added the up script to execute the power shell on Windows Desktop 11. Is there a way to check client side OpenVPN logs if the up script has been invoked?

    # Example script to handle internal domain SSL verification
    # Add this script to verify internal domain certificates
    script-security 2
    up 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powers hell.exe -File "C:\path\to\push_ca_cert.ps1"

    # Path to the CA certificate file
    $caCertPath = "C:\path\to\ca.crt"

    # Function to import the CA certificate into the Windows trust store
    function Add-CertificateToStore {
    param (

    Write-Host "Adding CA certificate to Windows trust store..."
    Import-Certificate -FilePath $path -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root

    # Function to configure trust settings for Internet Explorer
    function Configure-IETrust {
    Write-Host "Configuring trust settings for Internet Explorer..."
    # You may need to configure registry keys to set trust settings for Internet Explorer

    # Function to configure trust settings for Chrome
    function Configure-ChromeTrust {
    Write-Host "Configuring trust settings for Chrome..."
    # You may need to configure registry keys to set trust settings for Chrome

    # Function to configure trust settings for Firefox
    function Configure-FirefoxTrust {
    Write-Host "Configuring trust settings for Firefox..."
    # You may need to use Firefox policies or extensions to set trust settings

    # Function to verify SSL connections to internal domains
    function Verify-SSLConnections {
    Write-Host "Verifying SSL connections..."
    # You can use tools like curl or Invoke-WebRequest to verify SSL connections to internal domains

    # Main function
    function Main {
    Add-CertificateToStore -path $caCertPath

    # Run the main function
    Please guide.

    Best Regards,

    Last edited by kaushalshriyan; 2024-06-01, 09:56 PM.